PTF Impacts
Provost's Teaching Fellows have made lasting impacts in their departments, colleges and schools, all of the University of Texas, and even the broader scholarship of teaching and learning. Through both individual initiatives and university-wide programs, PTFs continue to serve as catalysts for positive change and further our campus culture of teaching and learning.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 85University Writing Center Resources
The University Writing Center has greatly expanded its STEM Writing training program to include all new consultants.
Teaching Climate Change Canvas Module
A campus-wide faculty learning community constructed a canvas sandbox website where we could share materials related to climate change, with annotations, with the broader UT community. We collected our groups materials, and tried to organize them in a useful way. This includes lectures, activities, quizzes, projects, pre/post tests, etc. We organize both by learning objective, and by course. Our website is now live. A publication on pre/post survey results is being prepared.
Rigorously Compassionate Syllabi Website
To learn more about the Rigorously Compassionate initiative at UT Austin, which focuses on combining empathy with academic excellence, visit their website:
Rigorously Compassionate Program
Pharmacy Practice Labs Promotional Video
Two promotional videos were created to highlight the impact of Pharmacy Practice Labs and collaboration with UT Athletic Training.
View the videos: Pharmacy Practice Labs and Partnership with UT Athletic Training
Open Data Day (Austin Public Library) and Statistics Seminar (Texas State University)
Two presentations about promoting the use of a local open data portal for data science projects.
The first presentation was made with the collaboration of a former student/current UGCA at an event organized by Open Austin, which addresses local social and civic challenges through creative uses of technology.
The second presentation was made at the weekly statistics seminar at Texas State University with mostly professors in attendance.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Performance Assessment of PharmD Student Pharmacists
A poster presentation at a national pharmacy conference on the relationships between a student’s perceived preparedness before and after Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), OSCE grades, perception of their performance, pre-pharmacy and pharmacy GPAs, composite Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) score, and admission Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) scores.
Effect on Students and Faculty of Implementation of a Comprehensive, Longitudinal Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Series into Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
A poster presentation at a national conference describing the Pharmacy Practice Lab (PPL) sequence spanning all six semesters of the UTCOP didactic program to consolidate lab components and increase skills development while aligning with and reinforcing curriculum balance.
Drivers Exercise
Before deciding what your career goals are, it’s critical to know what you value most in a job. What gets you out of bed to go to start the day, go to work, and/or live your life? This exercise will help you define and prioritize what drives you. We provide definitions of 8 common "drivers". Once you understand these drivers, you can take the exercise and go through a ranking process to determine which are most important to you (i.e. you’re less likely to compromise on these) and which are less important (i.e. you’re more willing to compromise on these).
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
For more information about the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at UT Austin, visit the program's webpage: DNP Program at UT Austin
CSE Grant
Dr. Berkin Dortdivanlioglu and I (Krishna Kumar) received a grant from the Cockrell School of Engineering to use AI for persoanlized tutors in our introduction to programming course. We have since built a personalized tutor for this course and is available for student privately. We are in the process of making the tutor public through TACC
City of Austin Data Meetup (online)
At the end of each semester, about 10 students volunteer to present their findings to the City of Austin employees during one of their regular data meetups.
American Society of Engineering Education
The entries are conference articles of the American Society of Engineering Education annual conference.
For information on the implementation of a new student initiative aimed at promoting student success and well-being, check out this resource from ASEE: Implementation of a New Student Initiative Promoting Student Success and Well-being
American Society for Legal History & Renaissance Society of America
ASLH 2024 Conference info:
Session info:
Islamic Law of Property in Colonial Contexts: The Cases of Egypt, Morocco, and Crimea
Chair & Commentator: Mohammad Fadel, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
Samy Ayoub, University of Texas at Austin. Lost Property: Ownership, Trust, and Community
Faculty-driven Communities of Practice: Implications for Inclusive Mentoring (ASTE)
Rodriguez, S.R. & Wilson, R. (2024, January) Faculty-driven Communities of Practice: Implications for inclusive mentoring. Round table presented at The Association of Science Teacher Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
View this proposal from July 2023

Teaching as Well Being (UT System)
3 different PTF projects presented:
Loescher project focuses on: Elevate excellence in the classroom through new strategies to understand, measure, and improve rigor in all courses
•each class is designed and delivered with the expectation of students learning at high levels •each student demonstrates learning at high levels
•each student is supported so they can learn at high levels
View the poster here

Musings in Greek Literature podcast
"Musings in Greek Literature" is a podcast co-produced by Prof. Deborah Beck and advanced UT undergraduate students of ancient Greek.

Bridging Rhetoric and Engineering presentation and paper
“Bridging Rhetoric and Engineering: Qualitative Results from a Writing Center Program to Improve Engineering Undergraduate Writing,” Proceedings from IEEE ProComm, 2024. Pittsburgh, PA (July 14-17, 2024). I delivered this co-authored conference paper at the IEEE ProComm conference. See the link for the paper.
View the presentation slides here
For more information, you can access the article with the DOI: 10.1109/ProComm61427.2024.00034.

Be Well to Do Well (Signature Course Resource)
This is a video project designed to be shown in all Signature Courses at UT. Together with discussion prompt, the video aims to acquaint students with mental and physical health resources on campus, and to teach them strategies for success.