New and Early Career Faculty
The purpose of this annual symposium is to share the university’s integrated approach to research, teaching, and service.

New Faculty Resources
Whether you just arrived or have taught at UT for a few semesters, we have curated a list of resources around Starting Off, Teacher-Scholar, Professional Development and Creating Community @ UT.

The CTL supports faculty, graduate student instructors, and academic units in pursuit of teaching excellence at UT. Contact us if you would like to schedule a conversation.

Feedback on Your Teaching
Whether you are looking for feedback on your teaching from your students in the midst of the semester or making sense of your course evaluations or looking for a colleague to come into your class to observe, we have curated resources to assist you.

Graduate Student Development
We provide opportunities to advance graduate students’ pedagogical, academic, and professional progress.

Craft a Teaching Statement
Whether you are a faculty member preparing for tenure review or a graduate student gearing up for a job search, we provide guidance on how to craft a teaching statement.

Curate a Teaching Portfolio
The teaching portfolio is an important collection of artifacts and reflections that describe your style and growth as a teacher. These resources offer concrete suggestions for what to include in your teaching portfolio and how to assemble it.