PTF Impacts

Provost's Teaching Fellows have made lasting impacts in their departments, colleges and schools, all of the University of Texas, and even the broader scholarship of teaching and learning. Through both individual initiatives and university-wide programs, PTFs continue to serve as catalysts for positive change and further our campus culture of teaching and learning.

Displaying 26 - 50 of 85
Presentation slide with image of two students at a table

Write from the Start: presentation and paper


"Write from the Start: Mixed-Methods Results of a Collaboration between a First-Year Biomedical Engineering Class and a University Writing Center.” American Society for Engineering Education, Baltimore, MD, June 26, 2023. I delivered this co-authored presentation at the ASEE conference. The paper may be accessed through the link.

Image of snow on trees

Engineering Sentences through the Texas Snowpocalypse: Results of a collaboration between a University Writing Center and an Engineering Writing Course


"Engineering Sentences through the Texas Snowpocalypse: Results of a Collaboration between a University Writing Center and an Engineering Writing Course" This conference presentation (co-authored with Hye Sun You) was delivered on Feb. 16, 2023, at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL. The slides are available in Texas ScholarWorks, The University of Texas Libraries.

A Classics Podcast Gets Greek Greats Onto Your Phone (Life & Letters Magazine)


This profile of "Musings in Greek Literature" appeared in the Spring 2023 edition of Life and Letters, the magazine of the UT College of Liberal Arts. This article explores the podcast and its origins, which occurred spontaneously in a conversation with Adam Rabinowitz about experiential learning. At the time, Adam was a PTF, but I wasn't. I re-applied multiple times to the PTF program and was ultimately selected for this podcast project in large part because of Adam's support and encouragement.

Bearing and Sharing the Burdens of Mentoring in the COVID-19 Pandemic (TAPA)


This invited paper is part of a group of six articles on "rupture and repair" in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic published in Transactions of the American Philological Association, the journal of the professional organization for American Classicists.

Bridging the Internship Gap: Preliminary Findings from the Internship Project (International Communication Association)


Chen, W. et al., (2023). Bridging the Internship Gap: Preliminary Findings from the Internship Project. Paper presented at Media Sociology Postconference, International Communication Association, Toronto.

ClioVis: Visualizing Connections (Review, Journal of American History)


For a detailed review published in ClioVis on the Journal of American History, you can access the PDF here: ClioVis Review JAH.

Team-Based Learning in the Political Science Classroom (Journal of Political Science Education)


Team-Based Learning is a specific interactive educational method that has been shown to develop skills for meaningful teamwork. Through engaging classroom activities, students experience the benefits of working with others. According to the literature, students perceive the benefits of teamwork including understanding the course material more deeply and producing higher quality class assignments.

The Social Classroom (Chronicle of Higher Education)


For an article on the concept of the social classroom, exploring its impact on student interactions and learning, check out this piece from The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Social Classroom.

Teaching Teamwork

Teaching Teamwork Canvas Course


This is a Canvas page that contains videos, short assignments, and teaching notes for instructors in any discipline who would like to teach their undergraduates how to work together effectively in teams. The videos and assignments are student-facing and come with instructor guides on how to implement them in various classes. Please contact Maddie Holland ( if you would like to be added to the course and access the materials.

Presentation slide showing a classroom

Engineering Sentences at a Writing Center: A Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration


"Engineering Sentences at a Writing Center: A Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration" This virtual presentation about our pilot program was delivered at the College Composition and Communication Regional Conference, University of Southern California, Dec. 19, 2020  



Measuring Impactful Teaching Practices in Global Virtual Exchange (International Virtual Exchange Conference)


"Measuring Impactful Teaching Practices" was presented at the International Virtual Exchange Conference, December 2022, Spain. We explore Global Virtual Exchange (or GVE) at the University of Texas at Austin in the last academic year, 2021-2022 to measure the impact of the faculty-led program,   Our main takeaway was that professors and students participating in the GVE program find the greatest benefits to be in the intercultural student-to-student exchange and the exposure to different perspectives.