Marina Alexandrova

Headshot of Marina Alexandrova in front of a bookcase.

Associate Professor of Instruction

Initiative Focus

Dr. Alexandrova teaches a variety of courses on Russian history, culture, and language. Her current research interests include international modernism and avant-garde, Russian radical and revolutionary movements, spirituality in Imperial Russia, and, most recently, cultural and spiritual ties between Russia and the United States. Her Signature Course, UGS 303 "Tsars and Mystics," examines (un)Orthodox spiritual practices of Russian rulers from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II.


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The “Social/Wellness Module:” Providing Space for Wellbeing and Social Learning for Incoming UT Students


My project addresses the lack of built-in social/wellness-oriented interactions in introductory courses for


Four teachers smiling for a picture

Be Well to Do Well (Signature Course Resource)


This is a video project designed to be shown in all Signature Courses at UT. Together with discussion prompt, the video aims to acquaint students with mental and physical health resources on campus, and to teach them strategies for success.