New and Early Career Faculty

3 women working on a task at the RISE summer 2024 event

This year there will be more support for new and early career UT faculty than ever before! The CTL, in collaboration with the Provost’s Teaching Fellows, is excited to offer a new slate of programming for faculty in their first five years of teaching at UT:  

  • Early Career Teaching Connections: This program fosters community and professional growth for early career faculty at UT through events, resources, and peer connections, culminating in an ECTC Badge. Learn More.
  • RISE (Resources and Insights for Starting Educators) Program: a summer cohort experience that empowers faculty with teaching-related knowledge, skills, and peer community for their first years at UT. Learn more.


This initiative is rooted in educational research* that demonstrates the effectiveness of professional development opportunities for early-career faculty that:  

  • enhance understanding of university community and culture

  • build in opportunities for practice and reflection around teaching, and 

  • enable meaningful connections and relationship-building with colleagues across disciplines. 

We have designed this initiative with these factors in mind in order to contribute to the success and wellbeing of your early-career faculty and also UT students’ learning experiences. 


*Austin, 2010; Emery, Maher, & Ebert-May, 2020; Stowell, et al, 2020; Welch, 2003; Whitney, Lemus, Knotts, & Oh, 2016