
Person working at a computer at sunrise

2024 Technology-Enhanced Learning Symposium

Thursday, August 15, 2024 | Zoom

Symposium Theme: Just Technology

Technology promises many benefits for both higher education and society. When we speak about technology, especially in an age of generative AI tools and their pervasive use, is it just technology or just technology (one that implicates and addresses issues of fairness and justice, that acknowledges its own implicit hypotheses)? For this year's TEL Symposium, we would like to explore new and emerging contexts for teaching and learning with technology at UT, considering how they open up new possibilities.

  • What kinds of new tools or opportunities offer opportunities and challenges (e.g., ChatGPT)?
  • How do we define the spaces of learning from differing vantage points?
  • How has technology both expanded and created new barriers for shared understanding?
  • How should we see the exponentially increased use of data in understanding student learning and retention?
  • What elements of the digital divide and the gaps in our perceptions about the student experience and student realities must we continue to address?
  • What can remain digital/digitally-mediated and what must be restored the "non-digital" learning?

Attending TEL24: Zoom 

Unless listed otherwise, ALL sessions will be available through Zoom.

The link will open on Monday, August 12, at 8:30am CST.

Symposium Schedule

Available on August 1, 2024




TEL 2024 Information

Keynote Presentation


Dr. Christoph Becker

Dr. Christoph Becker, University of Toronto

Dr. Becker is Professor at the Faculty of Information of the University of Toronto. As Director of the Digital Curation Institute, he brings together graduate students, appointed fellows, faculty colleagues and partners to conduct research at the intersection of digital curation and systems design (, supported by state-of-the-art computing infrastructure and collaboration space funded by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation and the Canada Foundation of Innovation.

He has published widely in software systems, digital libraries, and digital curation; created award-winning decision support tools for scalable digital preservation in collaboration with international consortia of universities, cultural heritage organizations and commercial partners; and developed open methods to evaluate digital preservation processes and capabilities. His recent book publication, Insolvent: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability, is available in open access format and will furnish topics of his presentation. 

In his funded research and as co-founder of, he advocates a new interdisciplinary approach to software systems research that emphasizes long-term perspectives on socio-technical systems design and develops methods for designing sustainable software and information systems. 

TEL23 Working Committee

The Center for Teaching and Learning will note the names of our wonderful UT colleagues who will help to organize this year's symposium.