Teaching Oral Competency
This DDIG brings you all of our best evidence-based teaching practices along with the Sanger Public Speaking Center. Our goal is to help you explore the key decisions and basic principles of teaching oral competency. We recommend moving in a linear fashion through our collection of information, resources, research and models of best practices exemplified by a variety of UT faculty.
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Photo by Matt Botsford from Unsplash

Collaborative Learning
How can I help students to develop competency-based activities in pairs, groups, or teams

Experiential Learning in Courses
How can I guide students to apply knowledge in real world situations?

Inclusive Teaching and Learning
How can I design and facilitate my class so that all my students get the most out of it as possible?
New resources coming in 2024 that include fresh perspectives from our teaching and learning community and pedagogical strategies for inclusive teaching.

Architecting Online Courses
What are the essential elements of creating successful learning experiences online?