Patrick Davis

Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy (Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry). Teaches required and elective pharmacy coursework in drug metabolism, infectious diseases, and interprofessional health education. Also teaches a First-Year Signature Course on historical pandemics and their impact on society.

Peer Teaching Observation as an Essential Element for Faculty Development
Based on a long-standing interest in peer observation in my own college, the intent of this project was to foster a broad campus discussion on the importance of this collegial practice for improving teaching and learning and enhancing faculty development.
Effect on Students and Faculty of Implementation of a Comprehensive, Longitudinal Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Series into Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
A poster presentation at a national conference describing the Pharmacy Practice Lab (PPL) sequence spanning all six semesters of the UTCOP didactic program to consolidate lab components and increase skills development while aligning with and reinforcing curriculum balance.