Graduate Student Education

Pharmacy Practice Labs Promotional Video


Two promotional videos were created to highlight the impact of Pharmacy Practice Labs and collaboration with UT Athletic Training.


View the videos: Pharmacy Practice Labs and Partnership with UT Athletic Training

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Performance Assessment of PharmD Student Pharmacists


A poster presentation at a national pharmacy conference on the relationships between a student’s perceived preparedness before and after Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), OSCE grades, perception of their performance, pre-pharmacy and pharmacy GPAs, composite Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) score, and admission Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) scores.


Health Communications Scholars Program


Launched in 2013, the Health Communication Scholars Program (HCSP) seeks to support graduate student research in health communication. HCSP was created by Dr. Mike Mackert within the Moody College of Communication and initially funded by the Provost’s Teaching Fellows program.

Effect on Students and Faculty of Implementation of a Comprehensive, Longitudinal Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Series into Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum


A poster presentation at a national conference describing the Pharmacy Practice Lab (PPL) sequence spanning all six semesters of the UTCOP didactic program to consolidate lab components and increase skills development while aligning with and reinforcing curriculum balance.

Bailey headshot

Diane Bailey

Former Members
School of Information
Initiative Focus
Graduate Student Education

Open any book on university teaching and you are sure to find thorough discussion of in-class techniques to engage and motivate students, to place learning squarely in their hands, and to get them collaborating with one another. Now look for the section on how to negotiate your courseload, market your under-enrolled elective, build up a largely stable repertoire of courses, or network in a new community to find industry folks and others who can help you with materials for and guest talks in your course.

Headshot of Ashley Castleberry.

Ashley Castleberry

College of Pharmacy
Initiative Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Graduate Student Education

As an Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Assessment in the Division of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Castleberry teaches first- and second-year pharmacy students cardiovascular physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology and coordinates the Pharmacy Practice Lab course. As Division Head of Pharmacy Practice, she leads a team of 20 faculty. She is passionate about assessment, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and faculty development.

Photo of Veronica Young

Veronica Young

College of Pharmacy
Initiative Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Graduate Student Education
Mackert headshot

Mike Mackert

Advertising and Public Relations
Moody College of Communication
Initiative Focus
Graduate Student Education

Mike Mackert was the 2016 Chair of the Provost's Teaching Fellows.

Bremen headshot

Brian Bremen

PTF Emeritus
College of Liberal Arts
Initiative Focus
Graduate Student Education

Project Title: Graduate Student Training and Support in Lower-Division Literature Classes 


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