Past Events
Technology-Enhanced Learning Collaborative
Eyes on Teaching is an initiative to help strengthen the culture of teaching at UT Austin by providing an opportunity for faculty to visit other classrooms and observe different teaching styles and learning environments.
Drop-in Canvas support
Spring 2019 Teaching Preparation Series
Sessoin 5: Students with disabilities: How do I provide equal access and foster inclusion through academic accommodations?
Join us for snacks to learn about teaching fundamentals! This series will allow participants to observe, practice, receive feedback on, and reflect upon classroom teaching techniques.
Learn about maintaining pages, grading, and using Canvas more efficiently.
Spring 2019 Teaching Preparation Series
Session 4: Navigating boundaries & relationships: How can I say "no" and still grow?
Join us for snacks to learn about teaching fundamentals! This series will allow participants to observe, practice, receive feedback on, and reflect upon classroom teaching techniques.
Learn about maintaining pages, grading, and using Canvas more efficiently.
Drop-in Canvas support
Spring 2019 Teaching Preparation Series
Session 3: Inclusive teaching & learning: How do I work effectively with students & faculty?
Join us for snacks to learn about teaching fundamentals! This series will allow participants to observe, practice, receive feedback on, and reflect upon classroom teaching techniques.
Spring 2019 Teaching Preparation Series
Session 2: Title IX: How does my role as a responsible employee impact my teaching practice?
Join us for snacks to learn about teaching fundamentals! This series will allow participants to observe, practice, receive feedback on, and reflect upon classroom teaching techniques.