Past Events

CalendarUpcoming Events Past Events
Event Status
Feb. 7, 2023, All Day
Recurs: Feb. 7, 2023, All DayFeb. 8, 2023, All Day
Visit peers' classrooms to learn about a variety of teaching styles and learning environments.
Event Status
Feb. 3, 2023, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
CTL Lab (SZB 4.102)
These special events provide an introduction to the fundamentals of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), explore key questions to guide SOTL projects, and feature UT students and faculty engaged in SOTL and who are current/potential campus leaders in this area.
Event Status
Feb. 2, 2023, 3 to 3:45 p.m.
CTL Lab (SZB 4.102)
This book discussion series about Ungrading (Blum) will provide you an opportunity to explore with fellow faculty how grading influences learning and discuss effective ways of assessing student work.
Event Status
Feb. 1, 2023, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
This book discussion series about Ungrading (Blum) will provide you an opportunity to explore with fellow faculty how grading influences learning and discuss effective ways of assessing student work.
Event Status
Texas CTL logo
Jan. 31, 2023, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Zoom link shared after registration

"Foundations of Inclusive Learning Environments" aims to foster inclusive pedagogical practice. Participants will define inclusivity for their own contexts, recognize some popular frameworks and strategies, and construct a personal pedagogical plan to cultivate positive and effective learning environments.

Event Status
Jan. 27, 2023, 1 to 2 p.m.
This informal discussion centers UT students’ perspectives on ChatGPT. Students will share their perceptions and questions regarding the tool and its applications within and outside of the classroom. Panelists will also discuss what they want UT instructors and staff to know about their concerns and feelings around ChatGPT, and will begin to collaboratively imagine possibilities for a future in education that considers its role and potential impacts.
Event Status
Jan. 26, 2023, 3 to 3:45 p.m.
CTL Lab (SZB 4.102)
This book discussion series about Ungrading (Blum) will provide you an opportunity to explore with fellow faculty how grading influences learning and discuss effective ways of assessing student work.
Event Status
Texas CTL logo
Jan. 25, 2023, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Zoom link shared after registration

Learn the characteristics of an effective teaching statement —including what search committees look for —and begin drafting/refining your statement to vibrantly convey your teaching values and the instructional choices you make to help students achieve learning goals.

Event Status
Jan. 25, 2023, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
This book discussion series about Ungrading (Blum) will provide you an opportunity to explore with fellow faculty how grading influences learning and discuss effective ways of assessing student work.
Event Status
Jan. 20, 2023, noon to 12:30 p.m.
2022-23 Teaching Innovation Grant (TIG) recipients explain to fellow faculty what they did, what they learned, and how you to use the ideas in your own classes.