Ashley Castleberry

As an Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Assessment in the Division of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Castleberry teaches first- and second-year pharmacy students cardiovascular physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology and coordinates the Pharmacy Practice Lab course. As Division Head of Pharmacy Practice, she leads a team of 20 faculty. She is passionate about assessment, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and faculty development.

Pharmacy Practice Lab Redesign
The College of Pharmacy is embarking on one of the biggest curricular revisions in the past decade by creating a Pharmacy Practice Lab sequence spanning all six semesters of our didactic program. The course series will combine content from seven existing courses in order to decrease redundancy and duplication to create increased alignment and reinforcement. Rather than students learning content within “the silo” of a single course, students will be required to retain and apply their knowledge and skills throughout the entire curriculum.
Effect on Students and Faculty of Implementation of a Comprehensive, Longitudinal Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Series into Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
A poster presentation at a national conference describing the Pharmacy Practice Lab (PPL) sequence spanning all six semesters of the UTCOP didactic program to consolidate lab components and increase skills development while aligning with and reinforcing curriculum balance.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Performance Assessment of PharmD Student Pharmacists
A poster presentation at a national pharmacy conference on the relationships between a student’s perceived preparedness before and after Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), OSCE grades, perception of their performance, pre-pharmacy and pharmacy GPAs, composite Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) score, and admission Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) scores.
Pharmacy Practice Labs Promotional Video
Two promotional videos were created to highlight the impact of Pharmacy Practice Labs and collaboration with UT Athletic Training.
View the videos: Pharmacy Practice Labs and Partnership with UT Athletic Training