Experiential Learning

Open Data Day (Austin Public Library) and Statistics Seminar (Texas State University)


Two presentations about promoting the use of a local open data portal for data science projects.

The first presentation was made with the collaboration of a former student/current UGCA at an event organized by Open Austin, which addresses local social and civic challenges through creative uses of technology.

The second presentation was made at the weekly statistics seminar at Texas State University with mostly professors in attendance.

CSE Grant


Dr. Berkin Dortdivanlioglu and I (Krishna Kumar) received a grant from the Cockrell School of Engineering to use AI for persoanlized tutors in our introduction to programming course. We have since built a personalized tutor for this course and is available for student privately. We are in the process of making the tutor public through TACC

City of Austin Data Meetup (online)


At the end of each semester, about 10 students volunteer to present their findings to the City of Austin employees during one of their regular data meetups.

Bridging the Internship Gap: Preliminary Findings from the Internship Project (International Communication Association)


Chen, W. et al., (2023). Bridging the Internship Gap: Preliminary Findings from the Internship Project. Paper presented at Media Sociology Postconference, International Communication Association, Toronto.

Bearing and Sharing the Burdens of Mentoring in the COVID-19 Pandemic (TAPA)


This invited paper is part of a group of six articles on "rupture and repair" in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic published in Transactions of the American Philological Association, the journal of the professional organization for American Classicists.



American Society for Legal History & Renaissance Society of America


ASLH 2024 Conference info: https://theaste.org/meetings/2024-international-conference/

Session info:

Islamic Law of Property in Colonial Contexts: The Cases of Egypt, Morocco, and Crimea

Chair & Commentator: Mohammad Fadel, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law 

Samy Ayoub, University of Texas at Austin. Lost Property: Ownership, Trust, and Community

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