Experiential Learning

A Classics Podcast Gets Greek Greats Onto Your Phone (Life & Letters Magazine)


This profile of "Musings in Greek Literature" appeared in the Spring 2023 edition of Life and Letters, the magazine of the UT College of Liberal Arts. This article explores the podcast and its origins, which occurred spontaneously in a conversation with Adam Rabinowitz about experiential learning. At the time, Adam was a PTF, but I wasn't. I re-applied multiple times to the PTF program and was ultimately selected for this podcast project in large part because of Adam's support and encouragement.

Movies We Dig cover with statues in background

The Odyssey (1997), with Deborah Beck (Movies We Dig Podcast)


I made a guest appearance on the Classics media podcast "Movies We Dig" in part because the hosts knew of my work with "Musings in Greek Literature." On this podcast, hosted by several young Classicists including two graduates of the UT Classics Ph.D. program, I discussed the made-for-TV version of Homer's Odyssey starring Armand Assante and Isabelle Rosselini (1997).

Slide presentation titled "Academic Culture"

Teaching as Well Being (UT System)


3 different PTF projects presented:

Loescher project focuses on: Elevate excellence in the classroom through new strategies to understand, measure, and improve rigor in all courses 

•each class is designed and delivered with the expectation of students learning at high levels •each student demonstrates learning at high levels 

•each student is supported so they can learn at high levels


View the poster here



Musing in Greek Literature

Musings in Greek Literature podcast


"Musings in Greek Literature" is a podcast co-produced by Prof. Deborah Beck and advanced UT undergraduate students of ancient Greek.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

Does Increasing Course Depth While Reducing Breadth Improve Learning in College Students?


Student-centered learning strategies have been effectively used to increase academic performance and learning in students. Educators have hypothesized that course content reduction can also improve student learning. However, support for this idea is lacking. In the present project, I am planning to assess whether a content reduction strategy increases the academic performance of upper-division stem students at the University of Texas-Austin.

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SafeTeach Collaborative


The SafeTeach Collaborative is a learning community that aims to improve faculty and graduate students' ability to handle classroom safety issues by developing their knowledge, self-efficacy, and instructional strategies. The program utilizes interactive methods including role-play exercises, scenario-based learning, and case study analyses to engage participants in realistic safety situations. The project's design fosters peer support networks, ideally providing participants with ongoing resources for addressing safety concerns.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

QR Learning for addressing social and racial injustice


The current proposal envisions developing alternative pedagogical materials for the “Measuring Racial Inequality” course, written in plain language and accessible to students from social sciences/humanities and underserved communities and families.

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Compassionate Pedagogy and Experiential Learning


The primary goal of this project is to enhance student engagement and participation in the learning environment, especially those who have may have been marginalized by conventional approaches to teaching. This project aims to support, encourage, and train faculty to incorporate compassionate pedagogy (CP) and experiential learning (EL) into their teaching, with the goal of promoting student connection and faculty creativity.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

Disability Justice as Pedagogical Practice


Within social work curriculum, the topic of disability is either explicitly absent or medicalized.  The lack of a rich understanding of disability as a cultural experience that intersects with other cultural experiences is concerning given our ethical guidelines of cultural competence and equity.  Additionally, not only are students excluded via this omission, but so are faculty, staff, and social workers working in the field.  Approximately a quarter of the population identifies as having a disability, yet our curriculum barely acknowledges their experiences.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

Mentored 2 Mentor


This project focuses on training Clinical Audiology Doctoral students (AuD) to be clinically certified supervisors upon entering the field post-graduation. According to the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), Texas ranks 48 out of 50 states for the number of clinically certified audiologists who are needed to supervise doctoral students in order for those students to have ASHA-approved hours (https://www.asha.org/siteassets/surveys/audiologist-and-slp-to-populati…).

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