24F TPS - (Asynchronous) How we learn: How can I use pedagogical theory to make learning last?

Event Status
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Join us for an introductory, asynchronous crash course in the cognitive theories underlying learning and memory. Discover how you can leverage these theories to encourage deep, meaningful, long-lasting learning for your students. The session opens in Canvas on Mon. 09/09 and participants have until Fri., 09/20 to participate in the session and complete required components. 

To learn more and self-enroll in the Canvas site, visit ​​https://bit.ly/24Sp-TPS-Enroll

Participants who complete multiple sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion that acts as a credential demonstrating your investment in professional development to future employers. Complete 3 unique sessions and upload a qualifying reflection for a Teaching Preparation Certificate; complete 7 unique sessions and submit a qualifying Teaching Statement for an Advanced Teaching Preparation Certificate. Please feel free to contact Michelle Gaston (michelle.gaston@austin.utexas.edu) or Andrew Cutrone (acutrone@utexas.edu) with further questions.  We look forward to working with you!


Date and Time
Sept. 9 to 20, 2024, All Day