Digital Humanities

Neuburger headshot

Mary Neuburger

Slavic and Eurasian Studies
College of Liberal Arts
Initiative Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Digital Humanities

Dr. Mary Neuburger is a Professor of history, the Director of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREEES), and the Chair of Slavic and Eurasian Studies at the University of Texas of Austin. Dr.

Headshot of Lars Hinrich.

Lars Hinrichs

College of Liberal Arts
Initiative Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Digital Humanities
Bsumek headshot

Erika Bsumek

College of Liberal Arts
Initiative Focus
Digital Humanities
Undergraduate Research

Bsumek is an Associate Professor of History in the College of Liberal Arts, a recipient of the Dad’s Teaching Award, the President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award, and she is currently a 2nd-year Provost’s Teaching Fellow. Her areas of research include Native American history, environmental history/studies, the history of the built environment, and the history of the U.S. West. Her current research explores the social and environmental history of the area surrounding Glen Canyon on the Utah/Arizona border from the 1840s to the present.

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