Adam Rabinowitz

Rabinowitz headshot

Associate Professor

Initiative Focus

I'm an Associate Professor in the Department of Classics. My research focuses on the archaeology of Greek colonization, culture-contact, and ancient food and drink, and I have an active field project at the ancient site of Histria in Romania, near the Danube delta. In my teaching, I try to find ways to engage students with primary sources and involve them in research inside and outside the classroom as part of the learning process. I am particularly interested in digital tools and platforms that allow students in the Humanities to carry out public-facing research projects. My PTF project included the customization of the FromThePage transcription platform for use with UT archives, especially in connection with undergraduate courses ( I am also one of the founding members of the Planet Texas 2050 Grand Challenge, a transdisciplinary research project that seeks to make Texas more resilient in the face of climate change and demographic challenges (



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Bevosourcing: Tools to Involve Students in Citizen Science and Online Data Publication


Digital archives and the internet have made it possible for non-experts to make major contributions to research through crowdsourcing and citizen science. UT has fascinating and important collections of primary sources for the humanities, many of which have been digitized. But before my PTF project, there were no digital tools at UT to facilitate crowdsourcing as a pedagogical strategy, engaging students with historical documents while enriching the collections themselves. The project therefore proposed to develop two UT-based crowdsourcing platforms.