Luis Martins

Luis Martins is the Herb Kelleher Chair in Entrepreneurship and the James B. Goodson Professor in Business at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. in Management and Organizational Behavior from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Dr. Martins teaches courses on leadership and organizational behavior, innovation, entrepreneurship, and change management in the McCombs School’s full-time, professional, and executive MBA programs, and in its non-degree executive programs. He has sought to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation education at UT by creating the university-wide undergraduate Entrepreneurship Minor (as his PTF project) and the Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Institute in the McCombs School of Business; by co-creating the MBA Concentration in Strategy and Innovation, and the Kendra Scott Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute; and by serving as the Director of the Herb Kelleher Entrepreneurship Center and the Faculty Director of the MS in Technology Commercialization program in the McCombs School of Business. Dr. Martins conducts research on the cognitive underpinnings of strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, organizational change, team dynamics, and work performance.

Empowering Undergraduate Entrepreneurship at UT: The Longhorn Entrepreneurship Ambassador Program
Austin is a hotbed for innovation and entrepreneurship, and yet, until recently The University of Texas at Austin provided few structured undergraduate programs focused intentionally on entrepreneurship. That realization propelled PTF Luis Martins to propose the creation of a minor in entrepreneurship as his PTF project. The Entrepreneurship Minor, offered by the McCombs School of Business and open to all undergraduate students at UT Austin, is now a reality, and began accepting applications in February.
Entrepreneurship Minor
Founded the Entrepreneurship Minor within the McCombs School's Rosenthal Department of Management. The Entrepreneurship Minor is available to all undergraduate students at UT Austin, and develops entrepreneurial mindsets and skillsets that equip students to have impact on organizations and society as startup founders or as employees in established organizations.