David Vanden Bout

Project Title: Data Drive Course Design: Differentiation of Chemistry Concept Retention between Standard and Hybrid Courses.
Project Summary: To date, we have had a number of sections of CH301/CH302 that have utilized the hybrid framework to varying extents. In this new hybrid model, the in-class learning is supported by a significant set of online resources to support independent learning outside of the classroom. This approach marries the flexibility and customized nature of web based learning modules to deliver the factual knowledge and procedural knowledge with relevant, engaging classroom based instruction that will serve to motivationally engage the students. It has been well documented in general that student centered learning leads to deeper understanding and better retention. However, it is not clear with our current hybrid course what types of in-class activities lead to improved retention. Therefore, for the past three years the department has been administering chemistry concept test both before and after CH301 and CH302. The goal of this project is to examine the data from the first two years of this longitudinal assessment to see if long-term retention is affected by the method of the hybrid delivery. In addition, the study will examine if these differences are maintained (or enhanced) for different cohorts of students.

Data Drive Course Design: Differentiation of Chemistry Concept Retention between Standard and Hybrid Courses
To date, we have had a number of sections of CH301/CH302 that have utilized the hybrid framework to varying extents. In this new hybrid model, the in-class learning is supported by a significant set of online resources to support independent learning outside of the classroom. This approach marries the flexibility and customized nature of web based learning modules to deliver the factual knowledge and procedural knowledge with relevant, engaging classroom based instruction that will serve to motivationally engage the students.