Student Wellbeing

Teaching Tips 2022-2023


Each year, the PTF Chair-Elect has the opportunity to share recurring Teaching Tips with all faculty at UT. These messages cover a variety of topics, styles, and methodologies, from brief and practical classroom strategies to in-depth conversations with voices from across campus.


This year’s Teaching Tips  were written by Chair-Elect Nina Telang.

American Society of Engineering Education


The entries are conference articles of the American Society of Engineering Education annual conference.


For information on the implementation of a new student initiative aimed at promoting student success and well-being, check out this resource from ASEE: Implementation of a New Student Initiative Promoting Student Success and Well-being

Slide presentation titled "Academic Culture"

Teaching as Well Being (UT System)


3 different PTF projects presented:

Loescher project focuses on: Elevate excellence in the classroom through new strategies to understand, measure, and improve rigor in all courses 

•each class is designed and delivered with the expectation of students learning at high levels •each student demonstrates learning at high levels 

•each student is supported so they can learn at high levels


View the poster here



Four teachers smiling for a picture

Be Well to Do Well (Signature Course Resource)


This is a video project designed to be shown in all Signature Courses at UT. Together with discussion prompt, the video aims to acquaint students with mental and physical health resources on campus, and to teach them strategies for success.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

Longhorn Mindfulness Project


This project focuses on mental health on campus.  Specifically, the mental health and self-regulation challenges that mindfulness practices have been empirically shown to address: anxiety, depression, focus, and procrastination. There is strong empirical support for these benefits emerging around the 8-week mark of regular practice (10-15 minutes per day), which is feasible in the confines of the semester calendar.

Ptf logo orange and teal

The “Social/Wellness Module:” Providing Space for Wellbeing and Social Learning for Incoming UT Students


My project addresses the lack of built-in social/wellness-oriented interactions in introductory courses for

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