Interdisciplinary Learning

Team-Based Learning in the Political Science Classroom (Journal of Political Science Education)


Team-Based Learning is a specific interactive educational method that has been shown to develop skills for meaningful teamwork. Through engaging classroom activities, students experience the benefits of working with others. According to the literature, students perceive the benefits of teamwork including understanding the course material more deeply and producing higher quality class assignments.

Teaching Tips 2020-2021


Each year, the PTF Chair-Elect has the opportunity to share recurring Teaching Tips with all faculty at UT. These messages cover a variety of topics, styles, and methodologies, from brief and practical classroom strategies to in-depth conversations with voices from across campus.


This year’s Teaching Tips were written by Chair-Elect Stephanie Seidel Holmsten.

International Virtual Exchange Program (Texas Global)


UT's Global Virtual Exchange program provides small grants to promote meaningful collaboration across universities. Uniquely situated in an R1, the program offers new insights into faculty-led initiatives that support teaching innovation even where research is also highly valued. We presented program design at the International Virtual Exchange Conference 2020.

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program


For more information about the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at UT Austin, visit the program's webpage: DNP Program at UT Austin

American Council on Education & Global Virtual Exchange Program & The American Council on Education Conference


The 2019-20 international collaboration between (US)-ESPOL(Ecuador)-UAM (Venezuela) provided evidence of the COIL model for course design in achieving student outcomes. Our experiences with icebreakers, collaborative projects, and assessment tools were shared at the American Council on Education's 2021 annual meeting.


Measuring Impactful Teaching Practices in Global Virtual Exchange (International Virtual Exchange Conference)


"Measuring Impactful Teaching Practices" was presented at the International Virtual Exchange Conference, December 2022, Spain. We explore Global Virtual Exchange (or GVE) at the University of Texas at Austin in the last academic year, 2021-2022 to measure the impact of the faculty-led program,   Our main takeaway was that professors and students participating in the GVE program find the greatest benefits to be in the intercultural student-to-student exchange and the exposure to different perspectives.

Orange and Teal PTF Logo

Gone (Back) To Texas: A Model For Alumni-led Experiential Learning


As the campus community enters a new post-pandemic era, it is clear that one of the most urgent needs following 2+ years of remote and hybrid learning is to create poignant, relevant contexts for pursuing immersive experiential learning. As universities reckon with the challenge of continuing to evolve their value propositions to meet student demand for more industry-relevant experiences, there is an opportunity to innovate how we design and deliver unique pedagogical experiences that connect more deeply with their educational and professional journey.

Picture of Jules Elkins.

Jules Elkins

Current Fellow
Sustainability Studies
College of Liberal Arts
Initiative Focus
Collaborative Learning
Interdisciplinary Learning

Dr. Elkins is the Director of Sustainability Studies and Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Geography and the Environment. Dr. Elkins’ research and teaching is in environmental health, and healthy indoor environments. She is particularly interested in low-dose chemical exposures, especially during the period from preconception to early childhood. Her interests focus on how exposures can be practically and cost-effectively reduced or prevented based on evidence-based models of what interventions measurably work.

The head and torso of Matt Bowers, a white man with a brown mustache and beard, smiling in a teal button up shirt.

Matt Bowers

Current Fellow
Kinesiology and Health Education
College of Education
Initiative Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Interdisciplinary Learning

Dr. Matt Bowers is an Associate Professor of Instruction in Sport Management at the University of Texas at Austin. He studies youth development in and through sports and has published research studies related to the impact of sport participation on creativity and the value of sandlot/unstructured sports for children. His work has been featured in Sports Illustrated, Wired, The Atlantic, and Wall Street Journal, SXSW, and the Aspen Institute’s Sport for All, Play For Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game.

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