Individual Fellow Initiatives

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
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The Keys to Understanding History: Unlocking Digital Timelines

Cohort: 2016
Fellow: Erika Bsumek

This project started out with a simple idea: From my original proposal, we noted that “Current historical timelines are not interactive, nor do they enable students to understand connections between different events. They are good at showing chronology, but are not good at illustrating how specific events are influenced by a whole host of different historical factors.”

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Bevosourcing: Tools to Involve Students in Citizen Science and Online Data Publication

Cohort: 2015
Fellow: Adam Rabinowitz

Digital archives and the internet have made it possible for non-experts to make major contributions to research through crowdsourcing and citizen science. UT has fascinating and important collections of primary sources for the humanities, many of which have been digitized. But before my PTF project, there were no digital tools at UT to facilitate crowdsourcing as a pedagogical strategy, engaging students with historical documents while enriching the collections themselves. The project therefore proposed to develop two UT-based crowdsourcing platforms.