Fellows Directory

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Photo of Amelia Acker

Amelia Acker

Current Fellow
School of Information
Initiative Focus
Collaborative Learning
Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Amelia Acker is an assistant professor in the School of Information where she directs the Critical Data Studies Lab. Amelia researches people who build and maintain archives, data technologies, and information infrastructure. Amelia's PTF project is SCiSCHOOL, a science fiction book club that brings graduate students together to discuss the ethics and social impacts of near and future information technologies in our daily lives.

person in blue shirt

Tanya Clement

Current Fellow
College of Liberal Arts
School of Information
Initiative Focus
Inclusive Teaching and Learning
Digital Humanities

Tanya E Clement is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin. Her primary areas of research are textual studies, sound studies, and infrastructure studies as these concerns impact academic research, research libraries, and the creation of research tools and resources in Digital Humanities (DH).

Headshot of Sarah Sloan.

Sarah Sloan

Current Fellow
Social Work
Steve Hicks School of Social Work
Initiative Focus
Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Sarah Sloan is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Steve Hicks School of Social Work. Her practice interests include social justice, mental health and working with LGBTQIA+ communities. She worked with students at the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center from 2003-2012. Her project is about understanding Critical Race Theory and how it can help social workers understand that inequitable systems that marginalize people of color, lead to inequitable outcomes for the same people, and contribute to the oppression of other people with non-dominant identities.