All UT instructors (faculty, staff, graduate student instructors, and postdoctoral instructors) are welcome to join us for the first session of Teaching During Times of Crisis, an event co-facilitated by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), and the Office of the Dean of Students (DoS). We will discuss ways to identify and regulate bodily stress responses, process how to navigate ongoing and unexpected difficult moments in the classroom and on campus, and explore strategies for designing and facilitating courses with flexibility, compassion, and instructor and student wellbeing in mind. The DoS will review resources available to instructors should a disruption occur in the classroom or on campus.
This workshop will be held virtually over Zoom. You may RSVP for this workshop using this link.
If you are interested in registering for the optional, in-person, and interactive Teaching During Times of Crisis: Part 2, we'd love to see you there! You may learn more and register for Part 2 using this link.