PTF Think Tank: Ungrading

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“Grading and assessment are two distinct things: and spending less time on grading does not mean spending less time on assessment”. Jesse Stommel, Ungrading


What do grades mean for you as a faculty member? What do they mean for your students? Have they become the focus of education rather than learning? What if there were a way to shift the emphasis back to learning and growing (which sometimes involves failing and making mistakes)? Come imagine a different way as we explore ungrading methods and the possibilities they possess.


PTF Think Tanks, facilitated by the Provost's Teaching Fellows, invite instructors to discuss problems and tackle tough topics in a safe environment among a diverse group of fellow instructors. This Think Tank will be facilitated by Dr. Danica Sumpter (School of Nursing). All instructors are welcome!


RSVP to attend

RSVPs no longer being accepted as event has passed.

Date and Time
March 23, 2023, 1 to 3 p.m.