March Playposit Demo:
PlayPosit is visiting campus again after SXSW EDU 2019 wraps up. The UT Austin pilot (with Canvas LTI) continues through spring semester so let Chad Fulton know if you or instructors in your neck of the woods would like licenses to try out the software. Below is their session description and RSVP. Please sign up by Monday, Mar. 4 and let Chad know if you have questions.
March 7th, 11:00-12:00, SZB 450AF (FIC)
“Learn how PlayPosit's multi-directional, interactive video platform provides online learners an easy way to "digest" content while affording instructors a transparent view of that “digestion", all while you sit back, relax, and digest the delicious food we'll be providing at our Brunch & Learn.PlayPosit is an authoring platform, available in Canvas, that easily allows you and your students to take advantage of video and audio by making it interactive. Draw from any video source or use our screen capture app to make your own video--then easily add elements into the recording to personalize instruction. Join us for a workshop (with coffee and bagels) to learn how to hold your students accountable and improve student outcomes measurably.” RSVP