The University of Texas at Austin is excited to share the program for Learning with MOOCs 2017: Developing and Advancing Careers with MOOCs. Please share with your colleagues and register to join us!
Details about travel and accommodations are available at the conference website. We invite you to register and book your hotel room at the AT&T Executive Education Conference Center (choose attendee) for the event to get the group rate by September 22, 2017
Though initial visions of MOOCs as free learning resources for the masses have not yet been the reality, millions of learners around the world are using MOOCs to support professional development and career advancement. This activity represents an important shift from the top-down model of university degrees to a learner-generated, micro-credentialing “bottom-up” model. How will the research community respond to help ensure that technology-mediated instruction at scale continues to be more learner-focused and community enhanced? What work can we initiate or surface that allows for underserved learners to benefit from more accessible opportunities for career advancement? How can we create the kind of socially supportive online contexts that are conducive for career development, especially for the underserved? And what resources might make this more possible?
Carolyn Rose, Professor, Language Technologies Institute and Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Anne Trumbore, Senior Director, Wharton Online, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Harrison Keller, Deputy to the President for Strategy and Policy, University of Texas at Austin