Difficult Dialogues Course Design Workshop

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Spaces Available: Difficult Dialogues Course Design Workshop


Dear Colleagues:

It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the 2019 Difficult Dialogues Course Design Workshop on Thursday, August 8 in the Glickman Conference Center (RLP 1.302E). The workshop will present an introduction to the Difficult Dialogues teaching methodology, guidelines on designing a Difficult Dialogues Signature Course, a resource table, and a chance to ask questions about completing the Signature Course Proposal with Signature Course Essentials. Please note that this year’s deadline to propose a UGS Signature Course is Friday, August 16, 2019.

Lunch will be provided at 12 PM, and the formal portion of the workshop will be from 12:30 - 2 PM. The workshop will be followed by an optional syllabus workshopping session. (Please see the agenda below.)

Up to thirty UT faculty participants will receive $200 in the form of professional development funds. In order to receive funds, faculty members must be committed to teaching a Difficult Dialogues Signature Course or using Difficult Dialogues techniques in the classroom. Staff and faculty at other institutions are welcome to attend as well. Please RSVP HERE in order to join us, and feel free to invite your colleagues to attend as well.

I hope to see you later this summer!

Pauline Strong (Director, Humanities Institute)

2019 Difficult Dialogues Course Design Workshop

Sponsored by the Humanities Institute's Director's Circle

Date: Thursday, August 8, 2019

Place: Robert L Patton Hall, Glickman Conference Center (RLP 1.302E)

Parking: the nearest UT parking is available in the San Jacinto Garage; limited paid street parking is available on San Jacinto Blvd

Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Lunch available at 12:00 PM)


12:00-12:30 PM: Doors Open (Lunch, Tea and Coffee available)

12:30-1:40 PM: Pauline Strong: Introduction: what is the Difficult Dialogues teaching methodology and how can it be worked into a syllabus?

1:40-2:00 PM: Lori Holleran Steiker: What makes a good Signature Course Proposal?

2:00-3:00 PM: Syllabus Workshopping Session (Optional)

About the Difficult Dialogues Program:

Founded in 2006 at the University of Texas, Difficult Dialogues began as part of a Ford Foundation initiative and focuses on teaching students the skills they need to participate in constructive dialogue about controversial and potentially divisive issues. To date UT faculty have developed more than 50 Difficult Dialogue courses, most of which are part of the First-Year Signature Course program. Additionally, each semester, the Humanities Institute hosts a Difficult Dialogues Public Forum that Difficult Dialogues students and faculty are encouraged to attend.

By teaching a Difficult Dialogues course, you become part of a learning community that supports dialogue-based pedagogy and will have access to Difficult Dialogues materials.

The workshop is sponsored by the Provost's Teaching Fellowship and the Humanities Institute's Director's Circle.

Date and Time
Aug. 8, 2019, noon to 2 p.m.
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