Accessible Pedagogy Conversations
Hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), the Disability Cultural Center (DCC), and Disability & Access (D&A)
Join us each Wednesday this fall semester from 12-1 PM on Zoom for Accessible Pedagogy Conversations. This informal, peer-directed space is open to all instructors who hope to share questions, strategies, and recommendations regarding accommodations and inclusion in learning environments. With the support of CTL, DCC, and D&A staff members, we will collectively explore new topics each week to enhance accessibility for all instructors and students. We hope to see you soon!
Fall 2024 Schedule (Click on links to sign up for individual conversations):
(9/4): Discussing Accommodations/Accommodation Requests with Students
(9/11): Sharing Notes/Slides/Class recordings
(9/18): Testing
(9/25): Attendance
(10/2): Collaborating with TAs
(10/9): Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
(10/16): Technology in the Classroom
(10/23): Canvas: Accessibility and Structure
(10/30): General Q&A and Crowdsourced Strategy Sharing
(11/6): Group projects/participation
(11/13): Dealing with disappearing students
(11/20): Deadlines
(12/4): Look Ahead: Syllabus Design & Setting Expectations for Class
(12/11): Collaborative Reflection: Lessons Learned for Next Semester
Standing Zoom Link: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/92080021279