HIN 507: First Year Hindi II
Gautami Shah
In Spring 2020, transitioning from traditional face-to-face instruction to a completely online mode of instruction posed a challenge for HIN 507 in terms of both, teaching with a non-Roman script, as well as ensuring that students were engaged and participated actively during class Zoom sessions. To be successful, language courses require both, effective communication about and in the language from the teacher, and active student participation and involvement. The unexpected transition to a solely online mode of instruction required a rapid re-assessment, re-thinking and re-tooling of teaching style, course materials, projects, assignments and assessment. By sharing and discussing specific examples of actual projects and class activities, I shall demonstrate how approaching the transition to online teaching as an opportunity to tap on previously unavailable resources, and effectively employ previously untapped on but user-friendly technology and software like Panopto, Zoom and Google docs, to name a few, resulted in a productive and fulfilling experience for both, the teacher and the students. [Small 1-20]
CSU/Department: COLA/Asian Studies
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm
Course Delivery Method: Synchronous
Keywords: Content, Community, Communication, Closing the Loop, Collaboration
CMS 313M: Introduction to Organizational Communication
Joshua Barbour
CMS 313M, Introduction to Organizational Communication, is the foundational course for the Communication Studies’ Corporate Communication track. The course introduces students to a range of communication theory and research useful in managing organizations and solving recurring problems of collective action. The online class has three main components: (1) screencasts and readings with engagement activities and quizzes to promote foundational learning, (2) application discussions moderated in Slack, and (3) a team project that asks students to do an assessment of organizational culture. Observers will be able to review the course design and structure, screencasts (https://www.macromorphic.com/cms-313m-wb password "speedy"), content-based asynchronous activities, and student engagement through Slack. [Large 51-100]
CSU/Department: Moody College of Communication/Communication Studies
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 4:00-6:00pm
Course Delivery Method: Self-paced
Keywords: Community, Collaboration, Content
KIN 321: Theory of Human Performance
Michael Sanders
This will be a ZOOM Lecture
1. Factors That Affect Human Performance
2. Effects of core-stability training on performance of
competitive athletes and assessment of muscle-skeletal deficiencies. [Medium 21-50]
CSU/Department: Education/Kinesiology and Health Education Department
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 10:30am-12:30pm
Course Delivery Method: Synchronous
Keywords: Content
N395S: Healthcare Information Systems
Kavita Radhakrishnan
This course uses multidisciplinary approaches to informatics by incorporating nursing, computer, and information science. The course examines resources and methods required to apply informatics and technology to implement clinical guidelines, support communication systems and enhance health care delivery. This course integrates opportunities to analyze information requirements, design system alternatives, and consider the management of resources. On observation day visitors can expect to learn about our weekly assignment scaffolding into a larger final paper. [Medium 21-50]
CSU/Department: Nursing
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 8:30-10:30am
Course Delivery Method: Asynchronous
Keywords: Closing the Loop, Content, Communication
WGS: La Llorona y Mas: Latinx Legend Tripping
Rachel González-Martin
This course will feature Latinx legends and Testimonio narrative genres to discuss how supernatural tales impact community socialization. Focusing on female protagonists, narrators, and tellers, students will construct their own “legend” texts in reverse, recasting the female/femme victim/villain in a new light, for a new generation. Students will theorize the “best” form their narrative will take—literary, visual, auditory etc.—to best reach the audience of their choosing. [Medium 21-50]
CSU/Department: COLA/Women and Gender Studies
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 11:30am-2:00pm
Course Delivery Method: Hybrid
Keywords: Community, Closing the Loop, Communication
M 302: Introduction to Mathematics
Amanda Hager
Core curriculum course for non STEM majors. A broad overview of current areas of math research with a focus on critical thinking and problem solving skills. Class will be delivered asynchronously in a flipped format. Student watch short videos, attempt weekly homework assignments, use several options to get live assistance, and take open book online exams. Strengths of the course are in web design, organization, and multiple means of instructor access. [Very Large Over 100]
CSU/Department: CNS/Mathematics
Course Day and Time: Wednesday 9:30-11:30am
Course Delivery Method: Asynchronous
Keywords: Communication, Content