6th Annual Big 12 Teaching and Learning Conference
Individual Session Descriptions
The following schedule will be updated until the start of the conference. Unless otherwise indicated, all events will take place in the Texas Union.
Friday, June 14, 3:15-5:30pm: Session 20 (Quadrangle Room)
"The Weight on Our Shoulders: The Teaching Center's Role for Campus Change"
Romana Hughes (Texas Christian University)
The role of a Teaching Center is to embrace the academic community with support, guidance, and solutions often with confidentiality. Mark Lieberman, Inside Higher Ed, writes ""Centers express leadership and innovation in how best to support strategic initiatives, and a key competency of the director role is serving as an effective change agent."" A Teaching Center has access, across disciplines, regarding teaching and learning across campus. Having a close view can be a burden and create frustration with the Center staff. How can Center Staff influence campus decisions and solutions and remain confidential? This presentation will engage participants in using personal persuasiveness, negotiation, and storytelling skills to promote campus-wide solutions. Participants will use Active Learning activities and role-playing to work through challenges and build one's voice to create a solution for supporting campus change.
Friday, June 14, 3:15-5:30pm: Session 21 (Santa Rita Room)
"Creating Inclusive Lesson Plans for Success"
Molly Mansfield (Dominican University)
Providing a learning environment that is open for all participants to be fully engaged and respected is integral to providing an effective learning environment for all learners in all types of libraries. In this session, participants will learn about and engage with incorporating active learning, inclusive learning, universal design for learning, and collaborative teaching and learning into their lesson plans and classrooms. The presenter has spent the last year participating in a faculty learning community that is funded by a Title V federal grant awarded focused on inclusive teaching and learning for diverse populations of students and their success. Within the learning community, the presenter has learned how to examine biases, provide inclusive learning environments, and utilize components of inclusive learning such as universal design for learning (both in face-to-face classroom and online classrooms).
Thinking outside of traditional approaches to teaching and learning, the presenter will provide background and real examples that participants will use for creating or enhancing their own lesson plans. Participants will discuss in groups and as a whole the boundaries and barriers that they face within their own institutions and brainstorm ways to work within them or overcome them. Working within groups and using real examples of learning situations, participants will create and take away an inclusive lesson plan and supplemental materials that can be used to refer to in the future at their own institutions.