Teaching and Learning Research

Books on a desk
CTL evaluation, research, and collaborative SoTL (scholarship of teaching and learning) initiatives center students, assist faculty and staff in enacting high-impact SoTL, and produce nationally and internationally recognized scholarship.
Jay Garvey, UVM

"As an education researcher, building coalitions with students is at the heart my work. It is with great solidarity that I commit myself to embracing community and partnerships with students. I understand the power and value in cultivating scholarly experiences where all team members feel valued and seen. Plus, partnering with students through research collaborations elevates the meaning and joy of being a faculty member. I am thrilled for the Initiative for Students as Partners in Research and Education (InSPIRE) at the University of Texas at Austin because it serves similar purposes of building coalitions and strengthening research partnerships with students.

What makes InSPIRE even more meaningful is the leadership and vision from Dr. Heather Wright. She was the first educator that I ever encountered who empowered me to pursue education research. I credit her for opening so many gifts through education research and am grateful for her continued impact in education for me personally and broadly in the field."

- Dr. Jay Garvey (Executive Director, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, University of Vermont; Friedman-Hipps Green and Gold Associate Professor of Education)

Tonia Guida

"Engaging in students-as-partners research ... has taught me how important it is to design and think about curriculum in community. I have learned how different my perceptions of teaching are to students, in ways that I wouldn’t have known without being in conversation with students. I have been reminded about the importance of transparency with students and how learning is reciprocal even though it is often seen as one-directional." 

- Dr. Tonia Guida (Assistant Professor in the Division of Pharmacy Practice)

Teaching and Learning Research in the CTL

What We Do

What we do / partner with us (blurb)

  • Connect students, staff, and instructors interested or engaged in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
  • Explore and offer CTL funding opportunities for pedagogical innovation and research 
  • Equip students, staff, and instructors  with skills and knowledge to support SoTL at UT
  • Empower students, staff, and instructors by sharing SoTL resources within and outside of UT
  • Spotlight SoTL work and model approaches to SoTL reflecting the institution’s strategic goal of being the highest-impact public research university in the world


Meet Our Partners

Featured Partners TBD

T&LR Resources

Upcoming Conferences and Professional Development Opportunities

  • TBD

Multidisciplinary outlets for publications 

Featured Projects


Terracotta logo

Terracotta (Experimental Research in Canvas): Terracotta makes it easy to achieve the standards of responsible, ethical experimentation. The following considerations should born in mind: Students should be assigned to experimental variants of assignments (giving them access to innovative learning opportunities). Whenever possible, research should favor within-subject crossover designs where all students receive all treatments (eliminating any bias due to condition assignment). Students should be empowered to provide informed consent. Student data should be deidentified prior to export and analysis. Terracotta functions within Canvas. Contact Matthew Russell in the CTL for more information. 

Recent T&LR News

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Recent Conference Presentations: Chad Fulton, Molly Hatcher, and Heather Wright facilitated “Re:imagining how we report CTL impact: beyond a single story,” a roundtable for educational developers and others at the 47th Annual Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Conference to discuss the challenging work of creating annual reports that describe the positive impacts on teaching and learning that CTLs make on our campuses. Participants in the roundtable explored and collectively discussed barriers impeding the process of creating reporting documents that authentically capture their work, such as the trickiness of making impact visible in ways that resonate with the CTL values and institutional leadership.  Facilitators and participants left roundtable equipped with strategies and frameworks to confidently tell the stories of our centers’ teaching and learning advancements, with several participants asking for a follow-up roundtable at next year’s Annual Conference.

Kaitlyn Farrell Rodriguez and Michelle Gaston facilitated the session “Reengaging and Reconnecting: Strategies for Mitigating Student Disengagement in Classroom:” Participants shared unique instructional methods, activities, and assessments they designed, recommended, or implemented to foster student engagement to varying degrees of success. Participants then collaborated to brainstorm next steps with students and their learning, self-care, and growth in mind.


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Association of American Colleges & Universities Institute Update: Organized by the CTL, the successful AAC&U IEIL application provided a valuable opportunity for a team of staff and faculty (including Associate Vice Provost Linda N. Dickens and Assistant Director Heather M. Wright)  to direct a week toward developing plans to further support Experiential Learning at UT and establish a connected experiential learning community of faculty, staff and students. Work of the team connects directly to UT’s Strategic Plan, and inspired the continued work of the group beyond the institute itself.

T&LR Events

Laura Cruz

"Going Public: How to Find the Right Audience for Your Teaching & Learning Scholarship" (January 23, 2025): Dr. Laura Cruz, Research Professor with the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence at Penn State University, offered a workshop that encouraged participants to create a dissemination plan for a (current or future) project that fits with their long-term career plans.