Teaching Tips: Reflection and Peer Observation

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February 12, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
At the start of every new year, I find myself in a reflective mood. I consider the accomplishments of the previous year and set my sights on new things in the next. Despite all that we have been through, this year feels no different. I am thinking about what we have created together over the past many months, while looking ahead in hopes of a new normal coming our way. 

Reflection and observation like this are helpful for taking stock of what we have accomplished and preparing for upcoming opportunities. In the spirit of the new year, consider engaging in reflection with your colleagues, through support networks and our intellectual and social communities. Sharing ideas about how we have been teaching, serving and conducting research over the past year can solidify the lessons we have learned in these unusual times. 

Observe your colleagues as they teach this semester. Observation does not have to be intimidating; it can be empowering! We get effective teaching tools by watching others in action. We can learn about online techniques, strategies for engaging students, or smart canvas course designs. For advice on creating opportunities for meaningful, constructive peer observations, check out this guide created by the Faculty Innovation Center (FIC) and the Provost Teaching Fellows (PTFs). 
Upcoming Events for Reflection and Observation
  • Online Teaching Days: Today is the last day to sign up to observe a course for Online Teaching Days 2021 on February 9-10! You can view the list of courses and sign up to observe a colleague from a wide variety of colleges and schools. New spaces were added to most courses so there are lots of options still open!
  • Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Reflections from Remote Teaching: This month's PTF Think Tank, taking place this Friday February 5 at noon, will focus on takeaways and lessons learned for instructors who have been teaching remotely since the onset of COVID-19. Participants will be asked to reflect on elements of the remote teaching experience that will resonate or carry over into post-COVID classrooms. RSVP to receive a Zoom link.
Stephanie Holmsten signature
Stephanie Seidel Holmsten (she/her/hers)
Chair-elect, Provost Teaching Fellows
Asst. Professor of Instruction, Dept. of Govt. International Relations and Global Studies