Recap: 2024 Transformative Teaching and Learning Symposium

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April 22, 2024

Thank you for joining us for the 2024 Transformative Teaching and Learning (TTL) Symposium this April. During this two-day event, faculty, staff, and students from across the entire university came together to explore themes of accessibility, care and self-care, and wellness. We collectively imagined ways to make our classrooms welcoming for all students – especially for those of us who identify as neurodivergent thinkers – and planned next steps to enhance belonging in the learning spaces we co-create. From strategizing ways to provide better feedback and structure for peers or students tackling writing projects to creating space for exploration and grounding meditations in the Blanton’s special exhibits, we centered community, curiosity, and connection.

A big highlight of the event was our student panel, Celebrating Neurodiversity. We wish to extend a special thank you to our wonderful moderator, Alexander Holt, and our fantastic panelists Nicolas Saliani, Santiago Sanchez, and Samantha Treviño for their vulnerability and action-oriented recommendations for ways we can work collaboratively to better support all Longhorns. Thank you!

If you’d like to revisit or discover the fabulous resources and slide decks shared by our fantastic facilitators from the University Writing Center, the Blanton Museum, and the Center for Teaching and Learning, you may access some highlights below: 

We look forward to continuing our collective reflections, conversations, and interventions at next year’s TTL Symposium.