Recap: 2024 Bi-Annual ICED Conference

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July 10, 2024
Two people standing in front of a backdrop that has descriptions such as ICED24


In June, three CTL staff members (Molly Hatcher, Michelle Gaston, and Kaitlyn Farrell Rodriguez) presented in-person and virtually at the bi-annual ICED24 conference. This year's theme, "Advancing Higher Education Ecosystems for Competency Development," promoted rich conversations about ways educational developers can better support instructors, colleagues, and students as we all collectively navigate the changing landscape of higher education. Forming new global connections - and having the chance to reconnect with colleagues that they had not seen in person since before the Covid-19 pandemic began - was an invaluable part of this year's conference experience. They look forward to sharing all that they've learned here at home with our fellow Longhorns!