Julia Campbell
Dr. Julia Campbell is a clinical audiologist and auditory neuroscientist who specializes in cortical plasticity in auditory disorders such as hearing loss and tinnitus. She serves as the Audiology Graduate Program Director and Audiology Discipline and Training Coordinator for the ACT LEND program. She currently instructs audiology graduate students in clinical training, pediatric audiology, and medical audiology.

Mentored 2 Mentor
This project focuses on training Clinical Audiology Doctoral students (AuD) to be clinically certified supervisors upon entering the field post-graduation. According to the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), Texas ranks 48 out of 50 states for the number of clinically certified audiologists who are needed to supervise doctoral students in order for those students to have ASHA-approved hours (https://www.asha.org/siteassets/surveys/audiologist-and-slp-to-populati…).