Teaching in Real Time

Initiative Type
supplemental resource
Initiative Theme
Inclusive Teaching and Learning
UT Austin Undergraduates
Project Focus
Curriculum (Re)design
Improving Teaching and Learning
Institutional Resource

We teach in challenging times. As the world, and our campuses, become more connected our students grapple with the impact of challenging events both on and off campus. Faculty have asked for support and guidance for how to proceed within the framework of semesters and syllabi in order to cope or respond. Our faculty needs resources to help recognize critical moments and support for our pedagogical resiliency. Our students deserve our prosocial examples and our communities deserve our active participation in solution focused pedagogy firmly rooted in the reality present outside our classrooms. Using research and experience, I proposed to develop resources for faculty offering strategies for increasing their comfort in managing hard topics in the class. Since the pandemic switch to and from remote teaching, faculty are inundated with articles and webinars on similar topics, prompting a format switch to be less overwhelming, more engaging, and able to serve as a reference.To reach faculty this project is currently evolving into a digital resource in a comics format.

Impacts from This Initiative