Sync-Up - Teach-Up - Texas Teach-Up on Demand

Initiative Type
professional development opportunity
Initiative Theme
Peer Evaluation of Teaching
Graduate Students
Project Focus
Improving Teaching and Learning
Institutional Resource

Educators need increased opportunities to participate in Texas Teach-Up in order to benefit from modeling teaching at UT Austin. This project will explore two specific elements of this problem. Currently you can only participate during officially scheduled time/dates, you cannot participate on-demand. This limits access to only those who can make it, or are a part of the university, during the on-schedule times and dates. Additionally, as an on-schedule event, seats have closing limits. Some people who want to participate may not be able to do so because the session is full. In this project I will be: developing a logic model for Texas Teach-Up on Demand; Conducting design research activities to empathize and understand the problem from former Texas Teach-Up faculty and participants, and those who have never participated, to help understand user needs; Interviewing "experts" of Texas Teach-Up leadership to define the key requirements from the synchronous version of Texas-Teach Up that MUST be maintained to ensure brand integrity; Developing and deploying a prototype (pilot) for Spring 2022; Developing a generalizable, evidence-based understanding of how asynchronous model teaching experiences influence higher education faculty.