Foundations of Data Analysis:A Transformative Dual-Credit Course to Prepare Texas Seniors to Succeed in Higher Education

Initiative Theme
Student Success

SSC 302 is an introductory course that blends the skills of data analysis, basic modeling techniques and inferential statistics. Many UT students complete this course to satisfy their core math requirement. I believe the content of SSC 302 should be made available to students prior to their enrollment here at UT, both to accelerate their preparedness for college and to help inform their choice of major trajectories once they are here. The vision of this project is to partner with On-Ramps to create a dual-credit data analysis course for high school juniors or seniors seeking to develop the quantitative reasoning skills and habits of mind necessary to succeed in the higher education environment. This course will target conceptual understanding and hone highly-relevant mathematical skills through informal game play, scaffolded introduction to statistical methodologies, and strategic lab exercises that engage students in hands-on analysis of real data.