Elements of Computing Concentrations

Initiative Type
supplemental resource
Initiative Theme
Student Success
UT Austin Undergraduates
Project Focus
Improving Teaching and Learning

The Computer Science department provides CS classes to the whole university via our Computer Science "Elements" program. The Elements sequence can be started by any student in any major with no prerequisites; later Elements courses only have prerequisites from earlier Elements courses. Some students choose to take just 1 or 2 CS classes in order to learn some programming, and others choose to take 18 hours in order to earn the Elements of Computing Certificate. The CS Elements program serves a very diverse population of students, in terms of backgrounds, majors, and goals. The challenges this project will address are:

  • Many students do not know which CS classes are most beneficial/complimentary to their degree and/or career goals.
  • Many students do not know which CS classes are related/complementary to each other
  • Many of the CS Elements classes have long waitlists, there is rising demand for these classes, and we are hoping to expand the Elements program to allow for more students to participate.