Diversifying Our Course Materials

Initiative Type
learning community
supplemental resource
Initiative Theme
Inclusive Teaching and Learning
UT Austin Undergraduates
Project Focus
Improving Teaching and Learning
Institutional Resource

(Project completed 2021) In my lectures, I rely on supplementary videos to break up the pace of the lecture and introduce new concepts. However, when I search for videos online, I have trouble finding a diverse representation. As a result, I end up with an oversampling of white male scholars in my course. Over time, I have realized that, in order to truly diversify my course materials, I need to create my own library of videos that can showcase the work and perspectives of diverse faculty, students and professionals whose expertise or experiences can supplement my course content in important ways. I will secure video recording expertise here at UT to facilitate the recording and production of as many 2-5 minute videos as my funding will support. The videos will feature UT faculty, students and local professionals who can speak to topics covered in my course, while also representing identities that are currently under-represented in academia, including people who identify as African/African-American, Hispanic/Latinx and LGBTQ. I will find these individuals, in part, through the extensive PTF network. Once the videos are recorded and archived in one place for public consumption, there will be a network of diverse scholars at UT in evidence as well. My work is slow-going right now because LAITS is booked with COVID learning support. So I am finding other creative ways to supplement my content. Changing the random names used in exam questions from Anglo Christian sounding names (Jim and Mary) to more inclusive and diverse names that reflect an array of cultures (Omar and Kenisha); seeking out ad examples that feature BIPOC actors or actresses; and choosing project topics that require research into diverse cultures or stakeholders (e.g., the partnership between Black Lives Matter and Uber Eats).