Big XII Teaching and Learning Conference: Call for Conference Proposals


Deadline Extended! The deadline to submit proposals is 11:59pm, February 18, 2019.  The primary session contact will receive a decision via email no later than March 15, 2019.

With a guiding theme of “expanding our reach,” we invite proposals that address new configurations of supporting innovative teaching that cut across departmental lines, and that have demonstrable evidence of impact on student learning. 

While we welcome proposals on all aspects of pedagogical innovation and excellence, our specific areas of focus include active or collaborative learning, technology-enhanced teaching and learning, globally engaged learning, inclusive teaching and learning, and graduate student development.  These areas of focus can be considered from a number of different institutional perspectives, including teaching and learning centers, libraries, student services, faculty, students, and instructional technology support.

Presentations will take place from Thursday, June 13, at 8:00 a.m. through Friday, June 14, at 3:00 p.m. Presenters should plan to be available and prepared at the time their session is assigned in the conference program.

Proposal Information

The proposal form includes the following fields:

  • Name, title, institution name, and email address of each facilitator
  • Session format (see below)
  • Session title (100-character limit, including spaces)
  • Keywords related to the selected areas of focus for the session (active learning, global learning and engagement, collaborative teaching and learning, Universal Design for Learning, graduate student development, or other)
  • Description of session, including background and evidence of effectiveness of work being presented (250-word limit) and participant learning outcomes and/or engagement (100-word limit), submitted as a single .pdf 

Successful proposals will address many of the following criteria:

  • Inform theoretical approaches with concrete examples
  • Highlight the process of generating a new resource, community, practice, or strategy
  • Define how engagement will take place for session attendees
  • Provide (or provide digital access to) key takeaway resources


Session Formats

  • Paper Presentation (15 minutes): Papers may report the results of completed research, describe research in progress, or present a position on a compelling problem or issue relevant to one or more of the conference areas. Research papers should highlight the problem, results, and conclusions while very briefly touching on method.
  • Panel Presentation (60 minutes, 2-4 panelists): Panel sessions offer two to four presenters the opportunity to weave together innovative ideas, practical experiences, fresh approaches and perspectives, and critical reflection on a current topic or pressing issue. Lasting a total of 60 minutes for all speakers and Q&A, these sessions are intended to inspire audience members to consider multiple, diverse perspectives on a particular topic and their potential impact.
  • Facilitated Roundtable Discussion (60 minutes): Facilitated roundtable discussions provide time for colleagues to examine topics of similar interest through a sharing of expertise and experiences. They provide an opportunity to work through issues (e.g., interrogate assumptions), engage in problem-solving (e.g., break down hierarchies), and explore new ideas—all from multiple perspectives. Facilitators should be prepared to share 3-4 questions and related materials in advance for interested participants to consider prior to attending the session.
  • Poster Session: Poster presenters share visual models of curricular and cocurricular innovations and new approaches, strategies for institutional transformation and/or new project development, findings and data from research projects, or novel designs for supporting high-impact practices.
  • Workshops (2 hours): Workshops provide opportunities for participants to turn theory into practice. Facilitators should introduce participants to a new initiative or project, discuss the proces through which it was developed on their campus, and help participants consider adopting it by working through relevant opportunities and challenges at their institutions. 
  • “Lightning Talk” Innovation Sessions (new tool, technology or approach) (7 minutes): "Lightning talks" are brief innovation sharing sessions during with a new tool, idea or approach is discussed.  These sessions should build in time for inspiring participants to engage in dialogue and collaborative problem-solving, and trying something new.